ATX Research Labs

A World Leader in Security Software Solutions

Your intellectual property is at risk. Hacking is no longer kids having fun; it is a profession and often State funded. Hackers can come any time of day or night and once inside, will never cede control of your system until caught. You are at risk; your clients are at risk; but, you cannot catch what you cannot see!

Whether malware was introduced through an 0-day or an insider, defending your network is all about reducing time-to-detection and time-to-remediation. But how do you react quickly to something you simply can't see? Intruders continue to exfiltrate your most valuable secrets while remaining undetected in your networks for months. The industry's ability to detect established command-and-control (C2) is deplorable. This state of affairs is unacceptable - it's time we stepped up our game ... and we did ....